Period Sources of Printed Music for Bandora (16th/17th C.)
The following is a table of period printed and manuscript sources of music for bandora sorted by date of publication. Clicking on the links will display the contents for that book. I hope eventually to have links to the contents for all extant prints. If there are any other sources you know of that have been missed, or if you have a correction, please contact me and I will be more than happy to include them.
N.B. A title in brackets { } denotes a lost source.
Printed Music Sources for Bandora (16th / 17th C.)
Munday, Anthony. A banquet of daintie conceits. Furnished with verie delicate and choyse inuentions, to delight their mindes, who take pleasure in musique, and there-withall to sing sweete ditties, either to the lute, bandora, virginalles, or anie other instrument (1588). London: Edward White
Barley, William. A new booke of tabliture for the bandora: contayning sundrie sorts of lessons, collected together out of divers good authors for the furtherance and delight of such as are desirous to practise on this Instrument. Never before published (1596). London: William Barley
Allison, Richard. The psalmes of David in meter, the plaine song, being the common tunne to be sung and plaide . . . the singing part to be either tenor or treble to the instrument . . . or for foure voyces (1599). London: William Barley
Morley, Thomas. The first booke of consort lessons, made by divers exquisite authors, for six instruments to play together, the treble lute, the pandora, the cittern, the base-violl, the flute & the treble-violl. Newly set forth at the coast & charges of a gentle-man, for his private pleasure, and for divers others his frendes which delight in musicke (1599). London: William Barley
Robinson, Thomas. The Schoole of musicke: wherein is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute, pandora, orpharion, and viol de gamba; with most infallible generall rules both easie and delightfull. Also a method how you may be your owne instructor for prick-song, by the help of your lute (1603). London: Thomas Este
Rosseter, Philip. Lessons for consort: made by sundry excellent authors, and set to sixe severall instruments: namely, the treble lute, treble violl, base violl, bandora, citterne, and the flute (1609). London: Thomas Este
{Morley, Thomas. The first booke of consort lessons, made by divers exquisite authors, for sixe instruments to play together; viz. the treble lute, the pandoa, the citterne, the base-violl, the flute, and the treble-violl (1611). London}
Leighton, Sir William. The Teares or Lamentacions of a sorrowful soule: composed with musicall ayres and songs, both for voyces and divers instruments (1614). London: William Stansby
Peerson, Martin. Mottects or Graue chamber musique Containing songs of fiue parts of seuerall sorts, some ful, and some verse and chorus. But all fit for voyces and vials, with an organ part; which for want of organs, may be performed on virginals, base-lute, bandora, or Irish harpe. Also, a mourning song of sixe parts for the death of the late Right Honorable Sir Fulke Greuil ... Composed according to the rules of art, by M.P. Batcheler of Musique (1630). London: William Stansby
Manuscript Music Sources for Bandora (16th / 17th C.)
"Marsh lute book." Z.3.2.13. Dublin, Ireland, Marsh's library. (mid/late 16th century
"Dallis lute book." D.3.30. Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Library. (post-1583)
"Mathew Holmes's lute book." Dd.2.11. Great Britain, Cambridge, University Library. (c. or pre-1590)
"Königsberg manuscript." 285-MF-LXXIX. Vilnius, Lithuania, Central Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Science. Formerly Preussisches Staatsarchiv, Königsberg, Msc. A 116. fol. (c. 1592-1620)
Add.31392. Great Britain, British Library. (c. 1595)
"Browne (formerly Braye) bandora and lyra viol book." (No call number.) Private collection of Robert Spencer. (c. 1600?)
"Mathew Holmes's lute book." Dd.9.33. Great Britain, Cambridge, University Library. (c. 1600)
Add. 15117. Great Britain, British Library. (c. 1614)
Bibliographical Sources
Boye, Gary. Music for the Lute, Guitar, and Vihuela (1470-1799).
Brown, Howard Mayer. Instrumental Music Printed Before 1600: A Bibliography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Gill, Donald. "The Orpharion and the Bandora." Galpin Society Journal (1960), p.14-25.
Gill, Donald. Wire-Strung Plucked Instruments Contemporary with the Lute, Lute Society Booklets, 3 (London, 1977)
Harwood, Ian and Lyle Nordstrom. "Bandora." New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments.
Nordstrom, Lyle. “The Cambridge Consort Books.” Journal of the Lute Society of America V (1972), p.70-103.
Nordstrom, Lyle. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 66: The Bandora: Its Music and Sources. Harmonie Park Press (1992). ISBN 0-89990-060-7